By Emma (Sales & Media Executive)
After my first press release made it into the Derbyshire Times, I felt a real sense of achievement that I had written an article that should give local small to medium size businesses the motivation they need to seek some help, especially when trying to grow by promoting their products and services online.
The main point I wanted to get across was how to not be fooled by the cowboys when seeking advice about using social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook for your business.
Here at Brighter Directions we all too often see the negative impact it has when small businesses are given bad advice – sometimes it can be the death of a small business when they incorrectly manage their reputation online inappropriately on the advice of someone who does not know any better.
I’ve been a member of the team at Brighter Directions for almost a year now and in my time here I have learnt one thing more than anything, we are all passionate about giving our clients the right advice and do not believe in ‘filling the bosses pockets’ and only deliver a service when it is really needed and would benefit the clients and businesses we work with. But, sadly not everyone out there advising on social media have the same ethos as us.
A negative comment on the published site from ‘anonymous’ demonstrated just how those with little skills or knowledge will happily try and put those that do down, even going to the point to say that they are in fact ‘gurus’ in the industry, although remaining to be secretive about who they actually ‘are’…
So how do marketing companies become ‘gurus’ within the field?
We think it’s by the level of real-experience, commercial success and client satisfaction!
Let’s face it, anybody can put a Facebook or a Twitter page together – BUT can they do it professionally, effectively and specifically for your business needs so you will get the results you expect?
Receiving a negative comment about my editorial made me realise the damage marketing cowboys are inflicting on small businesses, marketing is crucial to any business – Do you trust who is doing yours?
If you would like to speak to a marketing firm that has your best interests at heart, call us today and speak to one of our enthusiastic experts who would love to show you the right way!
Office: 01246 252855