Due to high demand, we will be running the last strategic social media workshop of the year on Tuesday 2nd November at our newly renovated offices in Chesterfield
By the end of the workshop you will have created accounts for the three major social media applications including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and have the knowledge on how to manage your accounts successfully for your business, to build your brand and attract potential customers within your strategy and build on your marketing plan.
Workshop Will Include:
•Introduction to social media influences and what this means specifically for your business, focusing on the main platforms Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn.
•Developing your online marketing strategy looking at market research, client segmentation and analysing your aims for the business so that you have a clear focus and structure to your online media campaigns.
•Introduction to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn which include interactive sessions to enable you to experience the social media applications first hand. Discussing relevant case studies and statistics on how other businesses are using the platform.
•After the accounts have been set up and populated we will discuss the best methods on management and general usage rules to the three platforms, allowing you to get the most out of your time spent online networking.
•Question and Answers session to enable you to ask direct questions to any outstanding queries you may have.
Places are limited, early booking offer of only £50 per person + vat.
For more information or to book your place, please call 01246 287414/ 267160 or email us here