Social Media and Social networking hasnt just been invented within the past 12 months, though to see the ‘hundreds of experts’ online increasing daily you would think so…
Before the popular social media sites you all know and love today there were other foums and avenues which you could use to brand your company and self online.
The concept of using social networking to generate online branding for businesses isnt a new idea. Online chat and social networking happended years ago, before progressing to MSN from the original MiRC into what we see today with Twitter, Skype, Facebook etc..
All designed for the same reason: COMMUNICATION.
There was a recent blog post which caught my eye addressing this same subject (read it here) and although some points I didnt agree with, its a honest article with some valuable points and information to help you choose the right ‘expert’ to help you!
Remember to think about what you want to achieve from hiring a outside source and always consider if they are going to fit with your company ethos and the way you work – that is vital!
Be clear when setting aims for your business and assessing what you want social media to achieve for you, afterall it was built for communication…