Do you find yourself spending hours every day monitoring your business’s Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, but dream of delegating this task this to somebody else?
You are not alone!! According to a recent study, by ‘Outsourcing Activities in the small business world’ many small business owners actually want to outsource and get help managing their social media marketing, yet don’t because they believe they can’t afford it.
On average, small business owners estimated that a member of their staff spent around 30+ hours a week on their Social Media platforms, this is almost a full time job for someone – and with limited amount of staff, the value of getting some or even all of that time back could be impossible.
So instead of assuming you ‘can’t afford’ to outsource your marketing activities, here are our TOP 5 reasons why you should outsource your social media:
- Save time
Outsourcing your marketing allows you to have a top level marketing expert on hand whenever you need them (think completing tasks quicker and more effectively) plus as they are already experts in the field they have experience to get on with the task immediately, unlike employing someone which you then have to spend time with guiding them and showing them how to complete tasks.
- Save Money!
Not only does outsourcing things like social media save time, but it also saves you money too – Because you are asking them to complete specific tasks, you only pay for the services that you need, so not having to find extra time to allocate tasks, as you would a member of staff, plus think of all the time invested in training that you would also save!
- Professional Advice / Buying Experience
With experts, the saying is that often, you are buying their experience and knowledge gained over time – Marketing agencies bring new fresh ideas from a different ‘tried and tested’ perspective – they know what works and what doesn’t, so instead of wasting time and money trying new techniques, you will always be provided with professional, objective advice whether you have marketing objectives and methods set or not – because if you find a really good marketing agency, they will offer this advice freely as part of your campaigns and not charge extra for it!
- Extending your capacity
Outsourcing has the benefit of adding to your team without the hassle and cost of recruiting – traditionally you will be provided with an ‘Account Manager’ or a point of contact who will manage your account and effectively bridge the gap between both companies, working with you ‘as a partner’ to ensure that you remain in control and are supplied with project timelines and reports to ensure you know exactly what is happening in regards to your marketing.
- Better business focus
Outsourcing your marketing tasks allows you to stay focussed on the core attributes of your business while the marketing agency handles your business’s marketing effort and allows you to work on what is most profitable and effective for the business to grow.
If you are a director of a small company, we challenge you to work out the time you spend currently invested in social media and other marketing tasks – could this time be better spent / more valuable if you say, generating new sales?
Why not call our team and find out – 01246 252855!