It’s not often enough that we see companies putting out heart-felt praises and messages to staff, (and that includes us)! For the most part, internal management is just that – practises and organisation motivational tactics are in place to boost morale and drive productivity – but sometimes it’s just not enough and the world needs to hear about it!
With that in mind, I would like to take this open opportunity to SHOUT ABOUT and recognise the dedication, hard-work and enthusiasm of my outstanding team – each and every one of them has supported Brighter Directions over a tremendously busy few weeks (and every day before and after)!
As an agency, we are often extremely busy (it’s how we like it), but the past month has seen a significant flow in capacity – with international visits and conferences coinciding with UK annual events, many client deadlines, staff holidays, new contracts starting, Christmas campaigns launching (yes I know!) not mentioning our ‘usual’ operations.
Throughout, my team have consistently and effortlessly focused forward with a big smile and bright attitudes and for that, I want to shout from the roof how proud I am!
On many occasion, my team are approached by recruiters and companies with job offers (some very impressive) – yet I still have an incredibly loyal, dedicated and close-knit team who operate like a family – with the traditional values, ethics and passion for our company and those of our clients.
I often use the word ‘lucky’ when I am out, describing my team – and that’s because it’s truly how I feel. I am blessed. Not only to have a successful and growing company, but I also have an extended family – the team behind our company make the success every single minute of every day and that money will never buy – and for those that try, I will continue to take it as a compliment!
So, from the bottom of my heart – Thank you to my amazing team, without you, we would not have the superb smooth operations and client satisfaction we do – and I am (we are) very lucky!
Love, Claire xx