Everyone that has logged in to social media this morning will have already seen pictures of the many children taking part in the BIG SPOTACULAR as part of Children in Need’s fundraising initiative. Children throughout the UK have arrived at school, wearing spotty outfits and accessories, and of course proud parents have been showing off their ensemble online.
You may not have been aware when you woke up this morning that Children in Need would be airing at 7.30pm tonight, but within seconds of logging in to your favourite social media accounts this morning, it would be hard not to know!
With Children in Need being a great cause and also having the support of some of the UK’s largest corporates, it’s obviously easier for them to hop up on to the ‘trending topics’ podium, but any company which has the right skills, strategy and experience has the opportunity to make a big impact digitally. That’s why companies like Brighter Directions exist, to help you get the best results possible from your social media activity!
Campaigns like this, which truly harness the power of social media for a great cause, is what social media should really be about – being a part of something bigger, something good!
We’ll be keeping an eye on the fundraising activities throughout the UK today from the comfort of our office chair and of course tuning in to the BBC tonight!